Ant Control – Understanding the Different Ant Species

Ants are some of the most common pests in Texas homes. Depending on the species, they can damage your property, spread disease, contaminate food, and short-circuit electronic equipment. The ants that infiltrate your home may also bring bacteria and other harmful pathogens along with them. Gecko Green aims to stop these pesky insects before they cause structural damage, infiltrate your kitchen, or spread disease on your Longview property. The first step in ant control is understanding the different ant species. Then, we can provide the proper ant control methods to eliminate them from your home.

The ant family contains over 700 species in the United States. Many of these ant species look similar and can be difficult to tell apart, especially when spotting them outdoors. However, there are some key differences that can help you distinguish the various types.

Among the most common and problematic ant species Texas ant control in Texas are fire ants, carpenter ants, and tawny crazy ants. These ant pests typically infiltrate properties in search of food and water. They are known to damage outdoor electrical equipment and cause flooding and wood rot in structures. Unlike other ants, they do not respect property lines and are easily dispersed by rainfall.

Fire ants march across fields and pastures, damaging field equipment and attacking newborn livestock. Their stinging attacks can kill livestock, pets and people and leave painful itchy welts. The invasive species has wreaked havoc in rural and urban settings throughout the state.

In the early 20th century, the red imported fire ant traveled from its South American homeland to North America, heralding an era of ecological disruption and regal reluctance. The ants’ inadvertent introduction to North Texas has left an indelible mark on our region.

Tawny crazy ants, first discovered around Houston in 2002, are the latest ant invasion to affect our region. These tiny ants are reddish-brown in color and recognizable by their zigzag movements. They nest outdoors under landscape ties, stones, mulch, and leaf litter as well as in sand areas. Inside, rover ants can be found in potted plants and behind wall voids.

Like fire ants, carpenter ants are destructive to structures and can cause severe damage in the process of building their nests. They often attack wood that is exposed or infested with fungi, and they also attack damp or humid areas. They are also known to invade buildings in search of food and water sources, as they frequently move indoors through cracks in the foundation. They can damage wooden furniture and infest rooms in your house, including the kitchen and living room. If you notice a large number of carpenter ants crawling into your home, it’s important to call an experienced professional for ant control immediately. The ants may be entering for food or to build a nest, and they can contaminate your meals with their rotting feces.